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Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
Receiving is being aware of ideas, material. Includes: tolerance, acceptance, listening
Responding is to comply with, follow, volunteer, to spend leisure time in, to acclaim.
Valuing is increased proficiency, subsidizing, supporting, debating
Organization brings a harmonious, internally consistent philosophy; balance, examine. Characterization by Value is to act consistently in accordance with these values; manage
Emphasis on Problem-Solving and a Team Approach,
Proactive (parent night, contracts, posted rules on Internet) vs. Reactive (call after behavior)
Link Displayed: http://www.powerof2.org/modules/worddocuments/setdemand_sped.doc
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~ Thomas A. Edison
Research  on programs for students at risk indicate that the most fruitful time to provide remediation is during the preprimary and early primary grades. (Kennedy et al., 1986)
Authentic learning takes place when students can do the following:
Construct meaning by connecting new information to what they already know and have experienced
Recognize the value of what they are learning (beyond grades and success in school)
Connect what they learn in school to the “real world”
Some examples of authentic tasks include developing a business plan, making decisions about land use, and designing and producing a program for the school play
Help Them Fit In; Teach a Better Behavior; Allow Natural Consequences
Academic Success leads to an increased level of self-esteem.
Activities and Ideas to Reach Learning Retention
Temperament: the style with which a person interacts with others and the world
by Dr. Kathie Nunnely
Also helps with the standard fact and opinion and point of view
To take notes, organize ideas, review for test, summarize reading, experiments, math processes
Dr. Max Thompson is also associated with the Focus on Learning series
Using Alternate Words for Grades Boosts Inference Skills
Computers and video technology help us do things differently
We have traditionally not reached certain students
If we change and vary our methods, we are more likely to reach others
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