EJournal Prompts:
1. Right now, I am grateful for……
2. What have you done in the last week/month/year
that makes you
feel proud?
3. I can help those in need by…
4. What takes too long?
5. What costs too much?
6. What is just plain silly?
7. What if life were controlled by a remote?
8. The worst advice I ever took was….
9. I will never run out of......?
10. A day I would like to live over is...
EJournals are word processing files that hold the date, writing prompt,
and student answer. EJournal files may be saved
on disks, shared drives, or sent to the teacher's email for assessment
and/or comment.
Integration Tip:
Students to demonstrate the elements of a play by taking digital
pictures of scenes they stage. Pictures may be inserted into an imovie,
flash presentation, video streaming, or PowerPoint presentation. {based on an idea from the Professional digest at Classroom
Connect, Automatic digest processor LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CLASSROOM.COM}
Writing Tip:
Invite students to write 100 words a
day, everyday for a month. Students may choose from
a topic list that you and the class brainstorm together, or {if you
are brave} they may write on a topic of their own choosing.
Class TIP: Set up an older model Computer Workstation as
a LearningCenter
just for SAT Preparation and Practice. Equip the Learning Center with a
pens and a student name chart to record progress. Bookmark the
websites at your SAT Learning Center. Place them on a handout also or
to refer and take home.
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This Page Created: May 1, 1999
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