Happening" Learning Center:
1. Data recorded in an E-Journal or sent in an email to the
Created by Jim Cornish at Gander Academy:http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/dailyactivities.htm
"Virtual Field
Trips" Learning Center:
1. Travel Brochure Online
Brochure Template
2. Travel BudgetIntinerary
3. Travel Budget
4. Virtual Postcard
At the OOPS Site: http://oops.bizland.com/vtours.htm
Field Guides: http://www.fieldguides.com/
WebCam for Kids: http://www.earthcamforkids.com/
General Research Learning Center:
1. PowerPoint with word lists
2. Hypertext Dictionary
3. Internet Research
The OOPS Search Page: http://oops.bizland.com/invisible.html
Miriam-Webster: http://m-w.com
Ask Jeeves for Kids http://www.ajkids.com
Kid’s Search Tools: http://www.rcls.org/ksearch.htm
Biographies Please: http://www.biographie.net/en
Internet Picture Dictionary:
Visual Dictionary VisuWords: http://www.visuwords.com
Visual Thesaurus: http://www.plumbdesign.com/thesaurus/index.html
KidsSafe Search Engine: http://www.kidsclick.org
Ask An Expert: http://www.askanexpert.com
Fact Monster: http://www.factmonster.com
Virtual LRC: http://virtuallrc.com
Atomic Learning: http://www.atomiclearning.com
Literary Terms Dictionary: http://www.uncp.edu/home/canada/work/allam/general/glossary.htm
Encyberpedia http://www.encyberpedia.com/ency.htm
Texas Information Literacy Tutorial: http://tilt.lib.utsystem.edu
Vitamins Learning Center:
1. Flashcards
2. Word Table
3. Hotlist
Vocabulary Builder: http://www.vocabulary.com
Tongue Twisters: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/8136/tonguetwisters.html
Spelling Test: http://www.sentex.net/~mmcadams/spelling.html
History" Learning Center:
1. ETrading Cards
2. SlideShow
3. News Story/ News Telecast
4. Hotlist
5. PhotoStory
Computer History Activity: http://trackstar.4teachers.org/trackstar/ts/viewTrack.do?number=296402
The Computer History Museum Center: http://www.computerhistory.org/
Computer History:
Nerd Quiz:
1. ETrading Cards
2. HyperText Biolog
3. Hotlist
4. Slideshow Presentation
5. PhotoStory
Inventors Museum: http://www.invent.org/hall_of_fame/1_1_search.asp
American Inventors and Inventions: http://www.150.si.edu/150trav/remember/amerinv.htm
About.com's Guide to Inventors: http://inventors.about.com/od/famousinventors/Famous_Inventors_Nationality_or_A_Z.htm
The Tech Museum of Innovation: http://www.thetech.org/
Wacky Patent of the Month: http://inventors.about.com/od/wackypatents/Wacky_Patents_and_Gadgets.htm
Women Inventors: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/women.shtml
"SAT Help"
Learning Center:
1. EJournal
2. Hypertext Dictionary
3. FlashCards
4. "Word Minute"
slideshow presentation
SAT Question of the Day http://www.collegeboard.org
Cool Word of the Day http://www.wordsmith.org/
Educational Testing Services Network http://www.ets.org/
Number 2, Inc. (Go to "Free Stuff" Link for sample questions) http://number2.com/
High School Hub: http://highschoolhub.org/hub/hub.htm
"Music and
Harmony" Learning Center:
1. MP3 Collection,
2. Burned CD with samples from each
3. SlideShow
with sound clips and narrated voiceover.
4. iTunes published iMix
Moguls to Mozart: http://www.stringsinthemountains.org/m2m/intro.htm
The Mozart Project: http://www.mozartproject.org/
Science of Music: http://www.exploratorium.edu/music/
PlayhouseRadio: http://www.playhouseradio.com/
San Francisco Symphony Kids' Site: http://www.sfskids.org/templates/splash.asp
Learning Center:
1. Posted Stories on the Web or in the Classroom
Post a thought starter sentence and student teams or lone writers
answer the prompt and save their work. Rotating teams add character,
element, geographic city, surprise twist, etc… to the e-story.
Wacky Tales: http://www.eduplace.com/tales/
Fun Brain: http://www.funbrain.com/wacky/
"My Global
Friends" Learning Center:
1. Epal Correspondence
2. SlideShow
3. HyperText
GeoNet Game: http://www.eduplace.com/geo/indexhi.html
Multicultural Scavenger Hunt: http://www.thecoo.edu/~apeter/multiculturescavhunt.htm
Explore the World: http://www.readtofeed.org/for_kids/explore_the_world/
"Math Magic"
Learning Center:
1. FlashCards
2. SpeedCharts
MathMagic! http://forum.swarthmore.edu/mathmagic/what.html
MegaMath Workbook: http://www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/workbk/contents.html
Currency Converter: http://www.oanda.com/converter/classic?user=pathfinder2
Middle Grades Math Site: http://mathforum.org/alejandre/
EdHelper: http://www.edhelper.com/
Brain Teasers: http://www.eduplace.com/math/brain/
Mad Math Minutes: http://www.mrsbogucki.com/aemes/resource/apps/madmath/
Tesselations: http://www.best.com/~ejad/java/patterns/patterns_j.shtml
OOPS Math Fun Site: http://oops.bizland.com/mathfun.htm
Ask Dr. Math: http://forum.swarthmore.edu/dr.math/dr-math.html
"Career Search"
Learning Center:
1. SlideShow
2. Job Chart
3. Spreadsheet
4. Venn Diagram
5. Hotlist
6. ETrading Card
Salary Calculator: http://www2.homefair.com/calc/salcalc.html
Job Search Engine: http://www.job-search-engine.com
Job Track: http://www.jobtrak.com
The Monster Board: http://www.monster.com
OOPS Career Search Activities: http://oops.bizland.com/bca.html
Peterson's College Guide:
Preparing the Resume: http://scrtec.org/track/tracks/f03160.html
Wall Street Journal's Career Section: http://careers.wsj.com
Other Center Ideas:K-6 | Other Center Ideas:6-12 |
Zoo Animals: http://whozoo.org/ | Crime Scene (http://www.mysterynet.com) http://www.abanet.org/publiced/catalog.html |
Ranger Rick’s Kid Zone: http://www.nwf.org/kids/ | Your Sky: http://www.fourmilab.to/yoursky/ |
Online Coloring Book http://www.turtletrack.org/ |
Recipes 4 Learning: http://www.recipes4learning.com/ |
Grammar Gorillas | Boo-tiful Stories: http://www.themoonlitroad.com/ |
Etch A Sketch http://www.etch-a-sketch.com/html/onlineetch.htm |
The Element Flash Card Game: http://education.jlab.org/elementflashcards/ |
Author's Online: http://www.janbrett.com/ | Brain POP: http://www.brainpop.com |
Explorers: http://www.usaexplorers.com | Weather Update Center: www.weather.com |
American Revolution Game: http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/ | Thunk: http://www.thunk.com |
Seasons: http://mbgnet.mobot.org/sets/temp/leaves/index.htm | Send us your ideas to include here: Email Us |
Page Created October 6, 1999
Last Updated: 2/11/08